Shanky Studio Visual Fine Arts Principal of Design

Why should I learn fundamentals of visual art?

Why should I learn the fundamentals of visual art?

Many of us have learned to draw in an unstructured manner, using the hit-and-trial method. We think we can draw and paint, without learning the fundamentals of visual art. However, the fundamentals of visual art & design are the basic building block to creating an athletically pleasing and technically correct artwork or design.

Just think – Is it possible to speak and write a language, without learning the fundamentals such as letters, grammar, vocabulary, etc.? Similarly, visual art has its own language and fundamentals, which are universal across different subjects and mediums.

What are the benefits of learning the fundamentals of visual art?

  1. Create technically correct and aesthetically pleasing artwork.
  2. Quickly accomplish the artwork, without any struggle and frustration.
  3. Create artwork from memory or imagination, with or without using any reference pictures.
  4. Better analysis and understanding of the artwork created by the great artists.
  5. Refine and harness the existing visual art skills to the next level.
  6. Increases the acuteness of observation and sharpens visual analytic faculties.
  7. Develop creative abilities, which are different from artistic abilities i.e. replication skills.
  8. Be a well-rounded and versatile artist.
  9. It helps in discovering your own signature style.

Constructive Methodology of Visual Art

2D Drawing is an improvisation process that involves analysis and drawing from envelope to silhouette, starting from external to internal, from macro to micro details. Whereas the rendering process converts the 2D drawing to 3D using shading or coloring and texture.

Sub steps in the drawing and rendering process are –

  1. Drawing 2D-
    1. Composition
    2. Space
    3. Perspective
    4. Measurement
    5. Proportions
    6. Shapes
    7. Finished drawing
  2. Rendering 3D –
    1. Wire-frame
    2. Forms
    3. Source of light
    4. Color Palette
    5. Value / Shade Palette
    6. Texture
    7. Enhance

What topics the fundamentals topics will include?

The following knowledge repository is used in the above constructive methodology –

  1. Gestalt principles of cognitive grouping
  2. Rules of composition
  3. Rules of space
  4. Perspective
  5. Principle of design
  6. Elements of visual arts
  7. Measurement techniques
  8. Standard proportions 

For more details visit the link Fundamentals of Visual Art.

How much time does it take to learn the fundamentals of visual art?

The learning curve will depend upon the following factors –

  1. Availability of time for the practice.
  2. The sitting capacity and interest in the topic.
  3. Teaching and learning methodology.
  4. Teacher-student ratio.
  5. Teacher abilities and skills in the fundamentals of visual art.
  6. Scope and depth of the fundamentals of visual art.

Based upon available statistical data i.e. 100+ participants at Shanky Studio, took between 3 months to 8 months to learn the fundamentals of visual art. These participants have enrolled in one-to-one i.e. 1 teacher / 1 participant, and the learning was based upon Shanky Studio’s 7C teaching and learning methodology. Below are the timelines for the participants, to accomplish the fundamentals of the visual art course –

  1. Age 14+ and onwards took 3 to 4 months.
  2. Age from 7 to 14 years took 6 to 8 months.

What are the different types of visual art?

  1. Drawing from still life, which can be organic or inorganic objects.
  2. Drawing from life such as portraits, caricatures, human, and animal anatomy.
  3. Abstract art, modern art, and contemporary art.
  4. Regional art.

What mediums are available in visual art?

  1. Wet mediums such as watercolor, oil, acrylic, ink etc.
  2. Dry mediums such as graphite, charcoal, soft pastels, oil pastels, colored pencils etc.
  3. Digital mediums such as raster images, vector images, modeling, animation, etc.
  4. A mixed medium is a combination of traditional and digital mediums.


Whether you want to take art as a hobby or be a professional visual artist, fashion designer, design student, graphic designer, animator, or illustrator – learning the fundamentals of visual art will for sure benefit you and will give you edge over others.

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